In Pro Tools, choose AudioSuite > Other > SpectraLayers Send to send audio to SpectraLayers for spectral editing. Sending audio from Pro Tools to SpectraLayers If you want to use your SpectraLayers edits in multiple places in your Pro Tools project, select the audio you want to replace and repeat Step 6. You can change the selection in Pro Tools before clicking Import Back to choose a different destination. Note The audio you selected in Step 1 used by default. The edited audio is imported to your Pro Tools project.

Click the Edit button at the bottom of the AudioSuite dialog to send the selected audio to a new tab in SpectraLayers.Choose AudioSuite > Other > SpectraLayers Edit.In Pro Tools, select the audio you want to edit.

In Pro Tools, choose AudioSuite > Other > SpectraLayers Edit to send audio to SpectraLayers for spectral editing and then export the audio back to your Pro Tools project.